Bernie Sanders Campaign's Access Restored!

"Thanks to an immediate and massive protest by fair-minded individuals and organizations against the heavy-handed, anti-democratic tactics of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Bernie Sanders campaign now has had full access restored to...

Dimondstein Appears on ‘The Big Picture’ with Thom Hartmann

APWU President Mark Dimondstein appeared on “The Big Picture” with Thom Hartmann on Nov. 16, discussing the National Executive Board’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President.  

Sanders Endorsement Garners Many Headlines

The APWU Executive Board’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President generated extensive media coverage on Nov. 12. Virtually every major news outlet reported the endorsement, including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press, Al...

Donald Trump’s “Wages are Too High” Mentality is an Attack on Social Security

During Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump answered a question about raising the minimum wage by saying that wages are too high. Rather than taking on Trump, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson helped reinforce that message by...

Executive Board Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

The APWU National Executive Board voted on Nov. 5 to endorse Bernie Sanders for president. “Politics as usual has not worked,” said President Mark Dimondstein. “Enough is enough!” The endorsement follows Sanders’ rousing speech before 2,000...
