Dispute Initiated Over Revisions to Contract Postal Unit Handbook

The Union has initiated a national dispute over the issuance of a new Publication 156, "Postal Employees Guide to Contract Postal Units", that replaces the Handbook AS-707-F, "Contracting for Contract Postal Units."

Dispute: Global Settlement re: Violations of Article 1.6B.

This dispute involves the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Global Settlement of violations of Article 1.6.B.

Maintenance Wins Significant Award

Recently Arbitrator Arthur T. Voss sustained the union’s grievance in Case #E10T-4E-C 11388721 , known as the Western Area Lock case or the Diebold case. 

Nurses’ Contract Headed for Interest Arbitration

The union and the Postal Service have agreed to submit to an interest arbitrator disputed contract issues for APWU-represented postal nurses. The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the National Postal Professional Nurses-APWU and the USPS...

Dispute Over Unilateral Elimination of Local Individual Retirement Counseling

This dispute concerns revisions to Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Sections 569.1 and 589.1, Retirement Counseling. 
