Video Chronicles Union Struggle

A video shown on the first day of the APWU National Convention summarized the struggles of the APWU to Save America’s Postal Service.

Ed Schultz: ‘Most Dishonest Campaign Ever’

Ed Schultz, host of the Ed Show on MSNBC, and the best friend postal workers have on television today, addressed the delegates on Day 4 of the National Convention. ALSO: Delegates to USPS Board of Governors: Honor Our Contract, Save the Postal...

Rep. Danny Davis: If We Fight, We Win!

In an inspirational speech Aug. 19, Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-IL) urged union members to fight back against “evil-doers” who would destroy the Postal Service and send the nation back to a dark time when most workers had no rights and few prospects for...

President Cliff Guffey: ‘We Must Win in November’

In his first State of the Union address, APWU President Cliff Guffey praised union members for their activism and said postal workers must win our battles in the political arena. ALSO: Thank Veterans – Give Them Jobs! AND: Debbie Wasserman Schultz...

Union Gears Up for National Convention

As the start of the APWU 20th Biennial Convention nears, preparations for the event have moved into high gear at the union’s national headquarters in Washington, DC.  As of the first week in August, 2,041 delegates representing 331 locals have...
