Grievance Time Limits Extended During National Convention

The APWU has reached an agreement with the Postal Service to extend the time limits for grievances and appeals to arbitration during the weeks surrounding the APWU National Convention, Industrial Relations Director Mike Morris has anounced.

APWU Locals Urged to Submit Resolutions, Register Convention Delegates Online

APWU locals and state organizations are reminded that resolutions for consideration at the 21st Biennial National Convention must be submitted online no later than June 1 to be printed in the official convention resolutions book.

2010 Convention Transcript Now Available

An official transcript of the proceedings from the APWU’s 20th Biennial National Convention is now available to union members on

Delegates Designate Retention of Federal Health Benefits a ‘Top Priority’

On the fifth and final day of the convention, delegates reaffirmed their commitment to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan (FEHBP) by voting “yes” to a resolution that would make retaining union members’ right to participate in the plan a “...

Union Vows to Escalate Fight To Preserve Postal Service

APWU members vowed to escalate the fight against the Postal Service’s plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery on the fourth day of the union’s 20th Biennial National Convention, unanimously approving a resolution to engage in “rallies, marches, and...
