USPS Revises Standard Operating Procedures for Handling Hazardous Materials
The Postal Service has revised its Standard Operating Procedures for the Handling of Hazardous Materials.
HCR Subcontractor Safety Records
A Web site of the Department of Transportation (DOT) that provides safety information on trucking companies may be a valuable tool for members of the MVS Craft.
The site lists information about accidents and tickets incurred by trucking companies —...
Retail Robberies: Staying Safe
There has been a rash of armed robberies of retail clerks recently in the Eastern Region, including a number of situations where clerks were confronted while having guns pointed at them. In another case, the perpetrator claimed he had a bomb. And...
Postal Service Issues New Safety Talk on Recognizing Suspicious Materials
The Postal Service has issued a new safety talk concerning Suspicious Mail and Unknown Powders or Substances to be given on Friday, October 6, 2006. This is one of a three-part series to be given each first Friday of October, November and December...
Zero Base Initiative, Zero Change
The Zero Base Initiative, which is the Postal Service’s new terminology for the old Breakthrough Productivity Initiative (BPI), is causing concern among many Motor Vehicle Craft union members.
While the name has changed, the stated goal of the...