Another Survey Suggests U.S. Middle Class is Falling Behind

While income gains for the richest Americans are outpacing their global peers, The New York Times reports that lower- and middle- income tiers in other advanced nations have made greater gains over the last three decades. “The new data about the...

Barbara Easterling, Ruben Burks Re-elected as Leaders of the Alliance

The Alliance’s 2014 national convention took place in Las Vegas, Nevada on Monday through Thursday of this week.  On Tuesday, Barbara J. Easterling, who has been President of the Alliance since February of 2009, was re-elected to a four-year term. ...

Supreme Court Sides with One Percent in Home Health Care Case

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision that makes it harder for home care workers to deliver quality care for their clients. The case, Harris v. Quinn, involves home health care workers in Illinois who are paid through Medicaid but...

Aging Baby Boomers Expected to Almost Double Nation’s Senior Population

Two newly released reports from the U.S. Census Bureau project that the 65-and-older population in the United States will nearly double by 2050. That segment of the population is expected to jump from 43.1 million in 2012 to 83.7 million in 2050....
