Obama Picks Carolyn W. Colvin to Lead Social Security Administration
Late last week, President Obama announced his intent to nominate Carolyn W. Colvin to lead the Social Security Administration (SSA). A longtime government administrator, Ms. Colvin has been the agency’s acting commissioner since February 2013. There...
Marco Rubio Proposes Dismantling Medicare and Raising the Retirement Age
Today, Senator Marco Rubio insulted the American people by proposing that their most successful earned benefits program, Social Security, should be dismantled. Rubio’s plans to raise the retirement age and to privatize Social Security and Medicare...
Senate Holds Hearing on Social Security Field Office Closures and Service Cuts
On Wednesday, the Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing to look at the impact of recent Social Security field office closures and service cuts. Although the Social Security Administration (SSA) is receiving record numbers of claims as the...
Quality Home Care and Public Sector Unions at Risk in Supreme Court Case
In the coming weeks, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue a ruling in Harris v. Quinn, a case involving the payment of union dues by public-sector home health workers in Illinois. The decision could come as early as next week or as late as the end of...
Leaders in Washington Pushing to Strengthen and Expand Social Security
In a sign that the push to expand Social Security is continuing to build support, on Wednesday Senators Mark Begich (D-AK) and Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced the Retirement and Income Security Enhancements (RAISE) Act. The RAISE Act would enhance...