Unemployment Compensation
Injured employees who undergo the National Reassessment Process (NRP) and are told by the Postal Service either that there is only partial-day work available or that there is no work available, should consider applying for unemployment compensation...
USPS Districts Currently Under Phase 2 Of the National Reassessment Process
The Postal Service continues to implement Phase 2 of the National Reassessment Process (NRP) in USPS Districts across the country. There is no set schedule that establishes a date when a particular District will begin Phase 2.
The Status of NRP
Recently a Postal Service official confirmed that as of December 2010 all reassessments were completed. As a result, the National Reassessment Process protocols are no longer being used. APWU was advised that official union notification has been...
USPS Unleashes NRP (Phases 1 & 2)
In mid-December, the APWU was notified that Phase 1 of the National Reassessment Process had been implemented nationwide. The Postal Service estimates that 33,707 limited duty and rehabilitation employees will be reassessed under “NRP,” which was...
Problems with Central ‘Case Create’
On Oct. 1, 2011, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC), centralized its case creation and data entry operations. The change does not affect how workers make injury claims or file for...