Good Tidings and Union Cheer for "Holiday PSEs"

It’s that time of year again when the USPS increases the hiring of new employees. The Organization Department fields a lot of questions during this time regarding new employee orientations. One issue that seems to come up year after year is of local...

Retro Pay and Our Union Contract

Finally! The retroactive payments owed under the 2021-2022 National Agreement (union contract) have been processed. The payment, commonly known as “retro pay” or “backpay” was included in paychecks dated Oct. 28, 2022 - eight months after the 2021-...

Be There for Your APWU Family

It is the holiday season and our postal workers will be stretched to their limit. Then we add a hostile work environment, long hours, and short staffing. Postal workers worry about their health, how to meet their family obligations, and how the...

Commercial Crime Policy Bond Coverage

Bond coverage was renewed for three years, effective July 1, 2022. Local and state affiliates should remember that a bond is a guarantee to protect unions from financial loss arising from fraudulent or dishonest acts in the handling of funds or...

2022 Convention Transcript Now Available

An official transcript of the proceedings from the APWU’s 26th Biennial National Convention is now available to union members on The convention is the highest governing body of the APWU. The 1,798-page document provides a full...
