A Year In Review: A Look Back at 2022 and Looking Forward to 2023

Happy New Year, union family! As the 118th Congress begins, Legislative & Political Director Beard takes a moment to reflect on some notable legislative accomplishments of the APWU in the last Congress.

Updated 2022 APWU Constitution Posted

The updated APWU Constitution & Bylaws has been posted.

Clerk Division Initiates National Dispute on USPS Failure to Allow/Display Voter Registration Forms in Post Offices

The issues and facts involved in this dispute are as follows: The practice of allowing access to blank voter-registration cards at Unites States Postal Service (USPS) locations is long-standing, in accordance with 52 U.S.C. Code 20506 and many...

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

COVID-19 restrictions are starting to ease up and we can finally get back to our normal routines, and that means getting back to the dentist for your checkups. Unfortunately, the pandemic forced many us to put our health, and especially our oral...

A Fond Farewell From Support Services Division Director Brooks

Support Services Director Steve Brooks is retiring effective Nov. 18, 2022. In his farewell message, he reflects on the many changes that have taken place in the Support Services Division, including: successfully defending attempts to reduce our...
