Departmental Commitment

A new year is a good time to reflect on special people whose paths have crossed our lives during the past year, such as family members, co-workers, neighbors or other members of the community, or even former schoolmates. It also is a time to say...

Sexual Harassment

In Fiscal Year 2008, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received approximately 14,000 charges of sexual harassment; nearly 12,000 were resolved. Victims received more than $47 million in damages, with some aggrieved individuals obtaining...

Right-to-Work? – Wrong!

"Right-to-work” sure sounds good. But “right-to-work” laws, which are being promoted and passed in many states around the country, are wrong for workers and wrong for America. These laws make it optional for workers covered by union contracts to...

Important Retiree Legislation Mired in Congress

By the time you read this, a full year will have passed since Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) introduced H.R. 1231, a bill that would allow federal, civilian, and military retirees to pay health insurance premiums on a pre-tax basis.

Returning to the Union in a Non-Retiring Role

I am very pleased to have been appointed to the job of Retirees Director. I sincerely thank President Burrus for this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing the outstanding work of my predecessor, John R. Smith.
