Earn a Business Degree Online

Union members who are interested in starting a business, improving the performance of an existing business, or who are simply interested in acquiring business knowledge can do so by earning an online Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business...

Premium Conversion Legislation for Retirees

On July 16 - more than three years after the legislation was first introduced - the House Civil Service and Agency Reorganization Subcommittee approved Rep. Tom Davis' (R-VA) bill to allow federal and military retirees to pay health care premiums...

Great New Benefits for Retirees

You’ve worked toward it and planned for it, and now that moment has arrived: Your retirement. A new package of travel, entertainment, and other benefits offered through the AFL-CIO’s Union Plus program can make it all the more rewarding.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the March-April edition, I addressed a number of questions asked by APWU retirees. Here are several more.

‘Disability’ Applications

It’s unfortunate when anyone has to retire early because of a disability. But many do, and we feel strongly that APWU members eligible for disability benefits should be fully informed about the rules before they file for disability retirement.
