Trampling on Veterans' Rights

A recent regional Merit Systems Protection Board decision rejected the appeal of an APWU veteran who had been involuntarily demoted to a lower grade. "Appellant may well be performing lower-graded duties," the board ruled, "but, absent an official...

The Union Veterans Council

The AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council (UVC) was established in 2009 to unite union leaders and members who are veterans in a shared goal – to influence public pol-icy to improve the quality of life for veterans and their families.

Host Fundraiser Events and Involve The Membership

In addition to approved general treasury donations, many APWU organizations have also taken the initiative to host fundraising events to support APWU Support Our Troops programs. Such events have included auctions, picnics and barbeques, golf and...

Stewards' Status in MSPB Appeals

Recently, the union has received inquiries about the right of stewards to prepare appeals to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) while “on the clock.” After a review with APWU’s general counsel, the following represents the APWU’s position on...

MSPB Rules in Favor Of APWU War Hero, USPS Appeals

One of the highest-ranking National Guard noncommissioned officers in the Army’s Special Forces won a hard-fought battle to regain his job in December — 12 years after he was improperly fired by the Postal Service. Disgracefully, the USPS has...
