Union Wins Major Attendance Case

In an award issued Jan. 28, 2005, Arbitrator Shyam Das sustained the APWU's arguments on two of three outstanding issues in a significant attendance case. 

Settlement Rescinds EEO Complaint Processing Handbook

The APWU and the Postal Service agreed recently in a pre-arbitration settlement that management shall rescind the EEO Complaint Processing Handbook (EL-603). 

Award on Article 19 Appeal of Maintenance Management Order (MMO) 028-97

In a recent national award regarding APWU's Article 19 appeal of MMO-028-97, Arbitrator Das ruled that "[t]he union's appeal of MMO-028-97 on the grounds that it is not fair, reasonable, and equitable for purposes of Article 19 is denied."

Arbitrator Rules Union Leave Does Not Count Toward FMLA Eligibility

An employee's time on LWOP for union business does not count toward the 1,250 hours of service required for eligibility under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), according to this national-level award by Arbitrator Das.
