APWU, Sister Postal Unions Win Right to Bargain Over Cyber Intrusions
In a precedent-setting agreement approved by the National Labor Relations Board, the APWU and its sister postal unions won the right to bargain with the Postal Service over a massive data security breach that took place in 2014.
The historic May 19...
Data Posted on Postmasters, Supervisors Performing Craft Work
A key feature of the Global Settlement Remedy Agreement, which was signed on Dec. 5, 2014, were provisions making it easier for union representatives to monitor when postmasters and supervisors perform bargaining unit work in excess of the hours...
Update on Article 1.6.B ‘Global Settlement’ Remedy
APWU Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson has updated union members on progress toward disbursing a $56 million settlement that was signed Dec. 5, 2014, to resolve disputes over postmasters and supervisors in small offices performing bargaining unit...
New MOU to Create Hundreds of Career Jobs in Level 4 POStPlan Offices
An addendum to the Sept. 22, 2013, POStPLAN Memorandum of Understanding will place a number of career jobs into Level 4 post offices, which otherwise would have been staffed exclusively with Postal Support Employees (PSEs). The offices in question...
Union Wins $56 Million Remedy for Postmasters Performing Craft Work
The APWU reached a $56 million settlement with the USPS on Dec. 5 to resolve a long-standing dispute over postmasters and supervisors in small offices performing bargaining unit work.