APWU Knows How to Celebrate Labor Day

Des Moines Area Local Steward Julie Kestel with daughter Mackenzie on a Labor Day parade float APWU members were out in full force this Labor Day, bringing the message of Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract! to people at parades, picnics...

On Labor Day, Take Time to Reflect...

As people across the country make plans for Labor Day, more than 200,000 postal workers are fighting for a good contract and good service for postal customers – more than three months after the APWU’s collective bargaining agreement with the U.S....

Thursday: Wear Your Union Gear Day!

Members of the Jacksonville [FL] P&DC Wear Your Union Gear Thursdays are going strong! Here are members of the Jacksonville [FL] P&DC last week.  Remember to put on your union T-shirt, armband or button to show management that you support ...

'Post Office Guy' is a Civilian Champion

(This article first appeared in the September-October 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Sidney Moss is a semi-retired clinical social worker, but around town in Northampton, MA, he is known as “the post office guy.” For the past...

The Fight for a Good Contract Marches On

The Wilmington Delaware/Malcom T. Smith Area Local made customized union shirts. (This article first appeared in the September-October 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) The fight for a good contract is marching on! Union...
