Message from the President: Final Arbitration Hearings

President Dimondstein's fifth update on the interest arbitration hearings for our new union contract. We just completed three more days of hearings which ended November 15th. The hearings are now completed and the panel will begin their...

Interest Arbitration: APWU Presents Final Witness Testimony With Clerk and Custodial Evidence

Today at Interest Arbitration, APWU presented evidence from the Clerk and Maintenance Craft Divisions.

Interest Arbitration: APWU rebuts management’s economics and MVS proposals

Today at Interest Arbitration, the APWU rebutted some of management’s economic arguments, including their controversial claim that postal workers are overpaid for the skills they employ. We also responded the management’s regressive proposals for...

All-Craft Conference Gets to Work on Contract and Climate Change

Following the day’s General Sessions and workshops on Tuesday, October 29, the focus turned to two important APWU priorities: the fight against climate change, and the work of the Contract Action Teams (CAT) to mobilize members and locals during...

President Dimondstein: Interest Arbitration Update # 4

President Dimondstein's interest arbitration update on the Postal Service's witness hearings. In October, we fought back against management's regressive attacks on our jobs.
