Did You Know That Veterans Military and the Department of VA Medical Records Are Shared With Private Healthcare Providers Nationwide, Without Millions of Veterans’ Permission?

Devious laws created by the Trump-era VA Mission Act legally privatize VA health care while destroying federal government privacy laws for the release of military and medical records for millions of VA enrolled vets without their permission.

What's Really Happening to Veterans VA Healthcare?

In this edition of Home Front, we will highlight a few of the numerous negative healthcare laws of the Trump-era VA Mission Act, that was passed by Congress, and signed into law on June 6, 2018, by former President Donald Trump.

Hands Off Our Veterans' Healthcare and Disability Benefits

The Veterans’ Benefits Handbook is an extremely important resource that protects veterans from being scammed by erroneous contractors looking to take advantage of veteran benefits. We encourage our veterans to get involved and stay informed of their...

APWU Human Relations Department Hosts Veterans Affairs Conference

On Tuesday, October 3, Human Relations Director Daleo Freeman hosted the 2023 Veterans Affairs Conference. On Tuesday, October 3, Human Relations Director Daleo Freeman hosted the 2023 Veterans Affairs Conference.

Veterans’ Deadline for Backdated PACT Act Toxic Exposure Claims is Aug. 9, 2023

In August 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the bipartisan Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. The Act expanded VA health care and benefits coverage to the many veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits and other hazardous...
