Young Workers Play Big Role In Seattle Teachers’ Victory

(This article first appeared in the November/December 2015 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Seattle teachers picketed at every school in the district . Photo courtesy of Seattle Education Association Seattle teachers won a strong...

Maine AFL-CIO Joins Grand Alliance, Backs Postal Banking

Members of the Maine AFL-CIO adopted resolutions supporting two important postal issues at their 30th biennial convention on Oct. 22 and 23 -- in support of postal banking and to join A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service. APWU...

Postal Workers Win Support at ‘Fighting Bob Fest’

Front row: Madison Area Local President Bret Wersland; Chris Czubakowski, associate editor Milwaukee Area Local; JJ Johnson Heiss and Karen Deloof, Madison Area Local; Valerie Landowski, Regional Coordinator Northeast Wisconsin AFL-CIO.Back row:...

Rallying to Restore the Voting Rights Act

The APWU joined the NAACP, Democracy Initiative, and other labor and activist groups in Upper Senate Park on Sept. 16 for a rally to restore the Voting Rights Act.

APWU Knows How to Celebrate Labor Day

Des Moines Area Local Steward Julie Kestel with daughter Mackenzie on a Labor Day parade float APWU members were out in full force this Labor Day, bringing the message of Good Postal Service! Good Jobs! Good Contract! to people at parades, picnics...
