USPS Seeks Legislation To Allow Layoffs, End Federal Benefits

APWU President Cliff Guffey has condemned Postal Service legislative proposals that would permit the USPS to layoff 120,000 employees and remove postal workers from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and from federal retirement programs.

Tea Party Building Support for Issa Bill

“Tea Party” groups are building public and congressional support for H.R. 2309, legislation sponsored in the U.S. House of Representative by Reps. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Dennis Ross (R-FL) that APWU President Cliff Guffey has called “a reckless...

APWU Rejects Issa’s Call to Cancel Ad Campaign

The APWU has rejected a call from Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

APWU Ad Campaign: Phase Two

The APWU has launched the second phase of its advertising campaign with a radio spot, President Cliff Guffey has announced.

National Organizing Week: July 18-22

The APWU has designated July 18-22 National Organizing Week as part of a campaign to sign up new union members. ALSO: In addition to the organizing drive, the APWU is launching a campaign to win support for legislation that would address the Postal...
