Labor History: APWU Helped Usher in the End of Apartheid in South Africa

This month in Labor History, we look back at Apartheid in South Africa and the role APWU played in helping South Africans cast their first-ever votes in the 1994 elections:

The Benefits of "Being Union"

“Being union” is understanding that we, the workers, band together to stand up to our employer and demand safe working conditions, livable wages, and work-hour guarantees. It’s about combining our forces to deal with a quasi-government corporation.

Federal Retirement Fairness Act Reintroduced!

Legislative Director Judy Beard summarizes the reintroduced Federal Retirement Fairness Act (H.R. 5995), advertises the Legislative events at the upcoming APWU National Convention, and provides a resource for finding2024 Election Information.

Interview: How Postal Banking Makes a Difference Around the World

The American Postal Worker recently spoke with Cornelia Berger, the Head of Post and Logistics for Uni Global Union, about the role postal banking plays in other countries.

Stand Up for Service

We’re currently experiencing the largest changes in the history of postal operations. Many of these changes have failed to demonstrate that they are in the best interests of our customers and are destined to negatively impact our communities.
