Tentative Agreements Reached!

Support Services Director Arrion Brown announces the tentative agreements reached for 10 Roads Express Des Moines/Kansas City drivers, and for the National Postal Professional Nurses (NPPN).

The Future Is Here

MVS Director Michael Foster provides his initial thoughts of the fully electric Next Generation Delivery Vehicles meant to replace the aging postal fleet. 

Clerk Division Continues RI-399 Training and Staffing

The Clerk Division has ramped up our training of clerk craft jurisdiction/machine staffing advocates for the Regional Instruction (RI)-399 process.

Shining a Light on Safety for Workers’ Memorial Day

Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash shines a light on safety for Workers’ Memorial Day, and the steps postal workers can take to insure safe conditions in their workplace.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Why it is Required!

One of the legal requirements that local and state presidents and treasurers must comply with is obtaining workers’ compensation insurance. Since local and state unions are treated as small businesses under state law, each local union that has...
