Postal Service Implements Eagle Clean (e4776) Pilot

Maintenance Craft Director Idowu Balogun discusses the Eagle Clean (e4776) scanner pilot program and introduces the new Maintenance Division Central Region National Business Agent ‘C’ Stephanie Logan who took office after Curtis Walker’s retirement...

Updated Function Four Operation Numbers

“Clerks should ensure that they are on the correct workhour operation. Standby codes are NOT work hours.” - Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks

Preventing Injuries While Lifting Objects on the Workroom Floor

The Industrial Relations Department shares proper lifting techniques to avoid injury when moving heavy parcels and sacks:

The Union Should Be Involved in Politics

“We can never let our differences of opinion on political issues prevent us from working together to secure and save the things we have in common, which are protecting our jobs, benefits, and the Postal Service.” – Northeast Regional Coordinator...

The Public Deserves Faster Mail, Not Degraded Services

“You all proved once again that, when given the proper resources, you can sort and deliver mail promptly and efficiently – just as the law requires.” Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash calls on members to oppose any degradation of service.
