The Importance of the Employee Assistance Program

Human Relations Director Daleo Freeman explains the importance of the Employee Assistance Program and how it can work for APWU members.

New Veterans Affairs Policy Exempts Copayments for Certain Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Visits Through 2027

New Veterans Affairs Policy Exempts Copayments for Certain Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Visits Through 2027

Avoiding Foreclosure on Your Home

Research & Education Director Joyce B. Robinson shares a checklist from the Better Business Bureau and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on how to avoid foreclosure on your home.

We Did It! “Building Union Power” Organizing Drive Recruits More Than 8,700 New APWU Members

Goals were set, plans were developed, we made commitments, we got motivated, we organized, and we succeeded! We commend all of our members across the nation for the work that went into our 2024 “Building Union Power” national organizing drive.

Our Fight Continues: Engaging with Ballot Measures, Promoting Federal Retirement Fairness, and Protecting Our Letter Carriers

Legislative Director Judy Beard urges members to get involved this election season, highlighting local ballot initiatives and key legislation such as the Federal Retirement Fairness Act and Protect Our Letter Carriers Act.
