Understanding "Financialization" and How to Defeat It

What is “financialization” and why is it detrimental to the working class? The Campaign for Postal Banking explores this topic and the importance of responsible and sustainable financial services.

Election 2024: Your Ballot's in the Mail

This year will be a critical one for Vote-by-Mail advocates as we approach the 2024 Presidential Elections. Learn more about its impact in previous elections and the threats that remain to its existence.

The Maintenance Division and the Article 12 Notification Process

Maintenance Craft Director Idowu Balogun provides information on the Article 12 notification process, and the steps required in our Collective Bargaining Agreement prior to excessing.

Solidarity Is The Antidote to a Toxic Workplace

As the “Chief Spokesperson” for the 2024 contract negotiations, I have both a huge and humbling task. The outcome of negotiations, whether through a voluntary agreement or through a contract imposed upon us by an interest arbitration panel, will...

Keeping Postal Workers Safe: A Guide to Heat Safety

As temperatures rise, postal workers are at risk of experiencing heat related illnesses. Here are some guidelines to help keep you safe, identify symptoms, and take the necessary precautions to minimize the effects of working in hot weather...
