Fewer Union Members Means Lower Pay for All

In the decades after World War II, the labor movement greatly improved pay, benefits and working conditions not just for unionized workplaces, but for the nation’s entire workforce. The better pay and benefits that unions helped establish for blue-...

Important Retiree Legislation Mired in Congress

By the time you read this, a full year will have passed since Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) introduced H.R. 1231, a bill that would allow federal, civilian, and military retirees to pay health insurance premiums on a pre-tax basis.

Returning to the Union in a Non-Retiring Role

I am very pleased to have been appointed to the job of Retirees Director. I sincerely thank President Burrus for this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing the outstanding work of my predecessor, John R. Smith.

‘Sister Study’ Update

The nation’s largest ongoing research project on the causes of breast cancer is still searching for sisters.

Telemarketing Scam Protection

Consumers lose billions of dollars a year to telemarketing fraud. That’s why the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) encourages you to be skeptical about phone solicitations, and to be aware of a law that helps protect against deceptive and abusive...
