Dispute Over Subcontracting AMC Work

The APWU recently initiated a Step 4 dispute over the Postal Service’s proposal to subcontract bargaining unit work (tender and receipt of mail) at 14 Air Mail Centers/Facilities.

Dispute Over Data Security Breaches/Missing USPS Laptops Appealed to Arbitration

The APWU has appealed to national-level arbitration a dispute over the Postal Service's security breaches of sensitive postal employee data resulting from missing or stolen postal laptop computers.

Dispute: Non-Traditional Full-Time Assignments in Function 5 and Function 7

This Step 4 dispute protests Postal Service instructions to the field authorizing the creation of Non-Traditional Full-Time (NTFT) assignments in Finance (Function 5) and in Bulk Mail (Function 7).

Dispute Over Reassignments of Partially Recovered Employees

This grievance involves the failure of the USPS to use craft seniority when making wholesale rehab/limited duty assignments after reassessing all of the medically restricted assignments in an installation. 

Dispute Filed Over USPS Failure to Create Bargaining Unit Jobs at Greensboro HRSSC

The APWU has filed a national-level dispute over the Postal Service's failure to create bargaining unit positions at the Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC) in Greensboro, NC. The union contends, among other things, that this is work that...
