Anti-Subcontracting Bill Picking Up ‘Co-Sponsors

January 31, 2008

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The Mail Network Protection Act (H.R. 4236), which would require the Postal Service to bargain with postal unions before it engages in significant subcontracting, has been steadily gaining sponsorship in the House.

The legislation was introduced by Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) on Nov. 15, and support for the measure has been picking up steam since 2008 began.

Thus far in January, the following co-sponsors (all Democrats) have come forward: Joe Courtney (CT), William Lacy Clay (MO), Joseph Crowley (NY), Mike Doyle (PA), Keith Ellison (MN), Alcee Hastings (FL), Baron Hill (IN), Mazie Hirono (HI), Betty McCollum (MN), James P. McGovern (MA), Ed Pastor (AZ), Bobby Rush (IL), Linda T. Sanchez (CA), Janice Schakowsky (IL), David Scott (GA), Heath Shuler (NC), Peter Visclosky (IN), Tom Udall (NM), and Albert Wynn (MD).

Several members of Congress signed on as co-sponsors in December: Yvette Clark (D-NY), Al Green (D-TX), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Patrick Murphy (D-PA), Laura Richardson (D-CA), Christopher Smith (R-NJ), and John Tierney (D-MA).

For more information about the Mail Network Protection Act and the union’s effort to garner support for it, click here. 

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