Feel better without a trip to the ER
July 30, 2024
Get secure, non-urgent care by phone or video 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Next time you're sick, avoid the long wait and high cost of the ER.
Instead, get care from a Teladoc Health® board-certified doctor or other licensed provider for non-urgent and common conditions like the flu, allergies, coughs, sore throats, rashes and more. You can even get a prescription, if needed, sent to a pharmacy of your choice.
Teledoc Health
- Have a confidential visit from anywhere
- Talk to a board-certified doctor by phone or video within minutes
- Get affordable care when you need it
- Travel to the nearest ER while sick
- Deal with long wait times and risk of exposure to germs
- Pay potentially high fees for non-urgent
Get confidential virtual care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
TeleHealth is a convenient and low-cost solution for all APWU Health Plan members. You are able to get care from your home or anywhere you may need to access care. For most TeleHealth consumers, the cost for a video visit is lower than urgent care, emergency room and office. For APWU Health Plan members, see the member cost share below:
High Option - Pay only a $10 copay when you use Teladoc.
Consumer Driven Option - Your cost share will be less when you use TeleHealth services; only 15% coinsurance or you can use your PCA (for no out-of-pocket fees) while funds are available.
Visit apwuhp.com for all your Teladoc benefits!
Visit Teladoc.com for more information or call 1-800-TELADOC (800-835-2362)