Standing Strong to Build a Bigger Union and Advance Forward, Together

Yared Wonde

July 29, 2024

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The best way to win big is by “standing strong” to build a bigger union. Members should continue to encourage nonmember coworkers to join the APWU; we are all in this fight equally and our union gets twice as “strong” with equal pay and equal rights – what we all deserve.

I have witnessed the Postal Service’s relentless assault on our members. Over the past two years, Article 12 excessing has impacted every district across the Southern Region, disrupting employees’ lives and livelihoods. It is evident that reassignments have affected numerous facilities. As we always have, we will continue to fight back against these challenges the APWU way. Do not be discouraged. With the collaborative efforts between myself and the National Business Agents (NBAs) regarding excessing, most of the impacts have been canceled. Our partnership has been instrumental in supporting locals with Article 12 grievances, and ensuring that affected members receive the assistance they need. Along with the participation of local leaders, we are making sure to actively monitor the impacted employees’ retreat rights closely.

Additionally, with the implementation of the recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established by APWU Headquarters, we are attempting to reduce the grievance backlog. In this process, I would like to recognize Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth “Liz” Powell who took the lead, and I applaud her efforts on behalf of myself and the Southern Region members.

I want to acknowledge the dedication of our Clerk, Maintenance, and Motor Vehicle Service Division NBAs who work tirelessly to represent our members:

Clerk Division NBA – Atlantic Region:

  • Jim DeMauro
  • Doris Orr-Richardson
  • Sandra Munoz-Hernandez

Clerk Division NBA – Memphis Region:

  • Pamela Smith
  • Joe Jolley

Clerk Division NBA – Dallas Region:

  • Charles Tillman
  • Diann Scurlark
  • Carlton Williams

Clerk Division NBA – Shared with the Central Region/Southern Region:

  • Robert “Bob” Kessler
  • Daniel F. Skemp
  • Ashley Cargill
  • Emily Weber

Maintenance Division NBA:

  • John Gearhard
  • Carlos Paz

Motor Vehicle Service Division NBA:

  • Bruce Amey
  • Dyrike Shaw

I also want to acknowledge the dedication of our coordinators in other regions for the exceptional work they are doing to support our members and advance our union’s mission.

I extend my deepest gratitude to all APWU members for their unwavering support and for entrusting me with a leadership role within our esteemed union. Serving the Southern Region and being part of the executive board has been an immensely fulfilling experience. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the Southern Region Coordinator, and I am thankful for the opportunity to contribute to the betterment of our union and the lives of our fellow postal workers.

From my heart, I can affirm that there is no greater reward than serving our fellow men and women. As I continue in my role as Southern Region Coordinator, I am committed to serving the membership with dedication and integrity. I am here, willing, and ready to support in any way I can.

Always remember, let us continue to “stand united, uphold our values,” and advance forward, together. ■

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