USPS Still Embraces Shipping Franchise That Offends

December 16, 2008

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APWU President William Burrus has posed a straightforward question to Postmaster General John E. Potter regarding the Postal Service’s decision to designate a shipping franchise with an offensive name as a participant in the USPS Approved Shipper program:

Does the decision to embrace the term “Goin’ Postal” reflect the policy of the Postmaster General or is it an example of bureaucratic bungling by his subordinates?

In a sharply worded letter dated Dec. 5, Burrus reminded Potter that the union had expressed outrage over the relationship between the Postal Service and the mailing franchise as early as May 30, and indicated that he had received unsatisfactory responses on the subject from the PMG’s subordinates.

Nearly 1,000 delegates to the union’s convention protested at three Goin’ Postal sites in Las Vegas in August. When Burrus discussed the situation with the Postmaster General just prior to the rallies, Potter said he was unaware that the USPS had signed a contract with the chain of stores and promised to investigate it personally.

To date, no response has been received to the Dec. 5 letter, and no information has been provided regarding Potter’s pledge to investigate the matter.

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