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APWU Honors Women's History Month
March 1, 2025
The APWU honors the contributions of American women in shaping our nation. The APWU National Executive Board met February 5-6 and adopted a proclamation to honor the women of the APWU throughout March, during Women’s History Month.
Unions Rally to Fight Back Against Illegal Postal Takeover
February 24, 2025
On Feb. 24, 2025, hundreds of union members joined together to show that workers are prepared to fight back against the proposed, illegal takeover of the United States Postal Service. Unions, including the Communications Workers of America (CWA),...
Wear Your Sticker on June 26
June 14, 2018
June 26 is a big day for hundreds of thousands of postal workers and our families. It’s the opening day of contract negotiations for our new collective bargaining agreement. June 26 is a day to stand up, speak out and show pride in our union and...
Show Solidarity on Union Gear Thursday!
June 14, 2018
Boston Metro Area Local Standing Strong & United
on Union Gear Thursday!
If your local is FIRED UP AND READY TO GO send union gear and contract action images to communications@apwu.org.
APWU Meets With Federal Task Force Considering Changes to USPS
June 8, 2018
APWU met with the White House Task Force on the Postal Service on Tuesday, June 6 and presented a series of recommendations and supporting materials on how the USPS could improve services, become more financially stable, and continue to remain a...
APWU Tells the PMG
June 8, 2018
APWU members are turning out and showing up for the Tell the PMG Video Challenge. Members from Baltimore to Dallas to Salt Lake City have already submitted videos explaining the importance of the work they do, that they deserve a fair contract, and...