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E.g., 09/09/2024
E.g., 09/09/2024

An Update on the Social Security Fairness Act

September 6, 2024
Time is running out to get the Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) passed. We are asking every APWU member to call Monday, September 9th and demand our representatives sign the discharge petition (HR 1410).

2024 Penalty Overtime Exclusion Period

August 27, 2024
The "Penalty Overtime Exclusion" period for calendar year 2024 will begin Pay Period 26-2024, Week 1 (November 30, 2024) and end Pay Period 01-2025, Week 2 (December 27, 2024).

Des Moines Area Local and BMC Protest for a Viable Postal Service!

November 17, 2017
  On Nov. 8, APWU Des Moines Area Local and the Des Moines BMC Local (Iowa) held an informational picket in front of the downtown processing and distribution center to send a resounding message to postal management: Postal Workers Want First-Class...

Des Moines’ Postal Services Should Be Expanded, Not Cut!

November 13, 2017
The following is an op-ed by President Mark Dimondstein and Des Moines Area APWU Local 44 President Mike Bates that originally appeared in Des Moines' Register on Nov. 9. The United States Postal Service belongs to all the people. Its valuable...

Veterans' Day

November 9, 2017
The APWU joins the nation in honoring all those who served.

Arbitrator Rules that Initial Installation of a New Mail Processing System is Not Maintenance Craft Work

November 9, 2017
Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg issued an award on November 7, 2017 stating, "The work of installing the APPS systems was not bargaining unit work. Hence, the Postal Service did not violate Article 32.1.A or Article 32.1.B in allowing Lockheed to...

Congress Plans Huge Tax Breaks for Corporations at the Expense of Working People

November 7, 2017
Last week, the House Republicans released their tax bill titled, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. “Working families should not be used as piggy banks to enrich big business, big banks and billionaires.” said President Mark Dimondstein. "It is not designed...
