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Postal Privatization Once Again Rearing Its Ugly Head!
March 10, 2025
APWU President Dimondstein provides answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding what it would mean if the Postal Service were to be privatized.
APWU Announces Day of Action to Defend the Public Postal Service
March 6, 2025
On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say "Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!"
Higher Union Membership Boosts Wages for All
May 1, 2017
APWU Grassroots Political & Legislative Coordinator Janice Kelble (second from right)
with community activists (L-R) Jeff Kramer, Kathy Staub, Keith Yergeau,
Elizabeth Ropp, Emily Eastman and Eric Zulaski after “right to work” law was defeated...
‘In Order to Form a More Perfect Union’
May 1, 2017
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2017 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.)
By President Mark Dimondstein
The preamble to the U.S. Constitution includes the well-known and eloquent words, “in order to form a more perfect union...
Fighting for Workplace Safety
April 30, 2017
(This article first appeared in the May-June 2017 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.)
Before passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in December 1970, millions of Americans risked their lives every time they reported for duty –...
Join a May Day Event!
April 28, 2017
May Day, the annual holiday recognizing the international working class, will be celebrated around the world on May 1.
This year hundreds of thousands are expected to participate in demonstrations, strikes, and shows of solidarity. Coast to coast,...
Fighting for Workplace Safety
April 28, 2017
Read more about the history of workplace safety. Reprint from May-June 2017 issue of the American Postal Worker
Before passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in December 1970, millions of Americans risked their lives every time they...