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E.g., 07/29/2024
E.g., 07/29/2024

Standing Strong to Build a Bigger Union and Advance Forward, Together

July 29, 2024
The best way to win big is by “standing strong” to build a bigger union. Members should continue to encourage nonmember coworkers to join the APWU.

Negotiations is Our Path to Winning an All-Career Workforce

July 29, 2024
 Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash provides overview of APWU’s main objectives during contract negotiations.

Clerk Craft Settlement Strengthens Seniority When Excessing Occurs

September 28, 2012
The APWU and USPS have reached an important agreement that will strengthen seniority for Clerk Craft employees when workers are excessed from an installation, Clerk Craft Director Rob Strunk has announced.

APWU Wins Address Management Jobs

September 28, 2012
The APWU and the USPS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Sept. 25 that outlines procedures for filling 318 newly-created Level 7 Address Management System Technicians positions.

APWU Clerk Craft Wins Jurisdiction On New AFCS 200 Operator Position

September 28, 2012
(Updated Oct. 12, 2012) The Clerk Craft will be the primary craft for the operator position on the new Advanced Facer Canceller System (AFCS), the Postal Service has announced.

House Inaction Brings USPS To Brink of Default – Again

September 28, 2012
House inaction to resolve the congressionally-manufactured USPS financial crisis has brought the Postal Service to the brink of default for the second time in two months, President Cliff Guffey is warning APWU members.

Union, USPS Sign Agreement to Protect APWU Work

September 27, 2012
The APWU and Postal Service have signed an agreement that will protect the seniority rights of APWU-represented employees, President Cliff Guffey has announced.
