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E.g., 09/15/2024
E.g., 09/15/2024

President Mark Dimondstein Updates Members on APWU Contract Negotiations

September 10, 2024
Greetings APWU Family, With our main Collective Bargaining Agreement expiring on September 20th, I wanted to give you a status report.

An Update on the Social Security Fairness Act

September 6, 2024
Time is running out to get the Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) passed. We are asking every APWU member to call Monday, September 9th and demand our representatives sign the discharge petition (HR 1410).

Stop the Cycle of Violence!

Many people believe that domestic violence is a private matter, but it’s not. It is a critical problem that affects us all. Domestic violence occurs in every community, and in workplaces and schools across the country. To solve this problem, we must...

Union Arbitrates PVS To HCR Conversion

The APWU’s position has consistently been that mode conversions have a significant impact on the bargaining unit. As such, the USPS must adhere to Article 32.1.B when considering converting the Columbus PVS operations.

‘Disability’ Applications

It’s unfortunate when anyone has to retire early because of a disability. But many do, and we feel strongly that APWU members eligible for disability benefits should be fully informed about the rules before they file for disability retirement.

Dispute: Denial of Retreat Rights

This grievance protests the denial of retreat rights to excessed employees for posted Non-Traditional Full-Time (NTFT) assignments, in violation of the contract.

e-Team Report, May 24, 2013

Support the Postal Service Protection Act Lawmakers ask PMG to stop accelerated consolidations and wait for postal legislation Obama Cabinet picks still waiting for Senate confirmation U.S. Treasury Dept. to dip into Postal benefit funds to make...
