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E.g., 02/03/2025
E.g., 02/03/2025

APWU Releases Q&As about 2025 Voluntary Early Retirement

February 1, 2025
The Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) recently announced for eligible postal workers by the Postal Service has generated many questions from the members of the APWU. The Postal Service published a list of questions and answers for our members.

House Resolution 70: Protecting the People’s Post Office

January 30, 2025
Please call APWU’s Legislative Hotline at 1-844-402-1001 to be connected to your member of Congress today, and ask them to cosponsor H. Res. 70, which expressly opposes postal privatization. Defending the people’s public Postal Service from...

APWU Website 'De-Links' Local Websites During Union Election Period

May 1, 2016
The APWU national election period has begun, and in approximately five months, on Oct. 5, the counting of ballots will begin. Effective May 1, the national APWU website "de-linked" all local and state websites for the duration of the union election...

The U.S. Post Office: The Workers' Savings Bank

April 30, 2016
The first depositors at the New York Postal Savings Bank. Once upon a time, in a not-so-far-away land, working people were able to safely deposit and withdraw their hard-earned dollars, with no excessive fees or fuss. Everyone had access to safe...

APWU West Virginia State Convention Feels the Bern!

April 29, 2016
Attendees of the APWU West Virginia State Convention were Feeling the Bern on April 28, as the National Nurses United (NNU) Bernie Bus made a stop in Charleston, WV.  

OIG: USPS Cost-Cutting Strategies ‘Not Sustainable’

April 28, 2016
The Postal Service has cut labor costs by more than $10 billion since the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) was passed in 2006, but its cost-cutting strategies are “not sustainable,” according to a recent report by the Office of...

$56 Million Settlement Deadline is April 29

April 27, 2016
Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson is reminding union members that Friday, April 29, is an important deadline for employees who are eligible for a portion of the $56 million settlement of grievances protesting managerial personnel performing craft...
