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E.g., 02/04/2025
E.g., 02/04/2025

Part-Time Regular (PTR) Payout Update (February 2025)

February 3, 2025
Maintenance Director Idowu Balogun provides an update on the Maintenance PTR Settlement Payout as of February 2025.

How to Navigate to VER Plans, Optional Retirement Pages through USPS’s LiteBlue

February 3, 2025
Working in conjunction with Retirees Director Nancy Olumekor, the Industrial Relations Department has produced a presentation which provides step-by-step instructions on how active postal service employees with access to LiteBlue can navigate to the...

Canadian Postal Workers Win Big

January 1, 2016
(This article first appeared in the January-February 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Thanks to the efforts of postal workers and their allies, Canada Post has suspended the installation of community mailboxes, preserving door-to-...

Postal Banking Catches Fire

January 1, 2016
(This article first appeared in the January-February 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Postal banking has been in the news quite a bit in recent months: Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discussed it on Jimmy Kimmel Live; a new...

Solidarity Is Always In Style

January 1, 2016
Northwest Illinois Area Local (This article first appeared in the January-February 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Thursday is Wear Your Union Gear Day, and APWU members have been busy each week, wearing their solidarity on...

Feeling the Bern!

January 1, 2016
Sen. Bernie Sanders discusses postal banking on Jimmy Kimmel Live! (This article first appeared in the January-February 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) During the two years I have served as APWU president I have made many...

Stop Staples Campaign Marches On

January 1, 2016
Members of the New York Metro Area Local and  supporters give Staples the thumbs down. (This article first appeared in the January-February 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Thanks to members and allies across the country, the Stop...
