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The Mail is Not for Sale!
January 8, 2025
The fast and furious online reaction to The [Washington] Post’s Dec. 19 editorial underscores how strongly the people support and trust the U.S. Postal Service.
Clerk Division Fills Two Vacant NBA Positions
January 7, 2025
Recently, two National Business Agent (NBA) positions became vacant in the Clerk Division. Robert “Bob” Romanowski left his NBA job in the Philadelphia Region when he was promoted to the newly established Assistant Director “C”, Clerk Division...
APWU Payroll Experts Issue a Warning
December 23, 2014
When management declared an Information Technology (IT) emergency due to a breach of USPS data systems recently, more than 150 systems that USPS programmers develop and administer were taken offline so they could be patched and reconfigured. The...
We Must Make Our 'Cause' the People's Cause!
December 23, 2014
The APWU is gearing up for a major battle: The fight to win a good contract for our members, while we fight for a vibrant, public Postal Service for the people of the country.
Is Sub-Contracting Cheaper? Really?
December 23, 2014
As we prepare to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement, one of the most important issues to resolve is what constitutes a “fair cost comparison of all reasonable costs.” It’s fair to say that this is a key issue for the Motor Vehicle Craft...
Winning 'Automatic' Remedies for Staffing Violations
December 23, 2014
Hopefully, every local applied the procedures outlined in the July 9, 2014, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding implementation of the MS-47 - TL-5 Handbook at the conclusion of fiscal year 2014.
The agreement includes an automatic remedy for...
Privatization, Walmart and Goin' Postal
December 23, 2014
An agreement between Walmart and the private shipping company Goin’ Postal threatens to further privatize postal services. Under the arrangement, announced on Sept. 29, 2014, Goin’ Postal is lining up franchisees to establish postal kiosks in...