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E.g., 07/18/2024
E.g., 07/18/2024

Delegates' Work on Convention Business Continues

July 17, 2024
On Day 2 of APWU's 27th Biennial Conveniton, delegates continue work on convention business and rally for a good contract.

APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Begins; President Dimondstein Delivers State of the Union

July 16, 2024
APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Began on July 15; President Dimondstein Delivers his State of the Union Address.

e-Team Report, June 26, 2011

The American Postal Workers Union is working fervently to make certain that the Postal Service’s decision to suspend employer contributions to FERS does not negatively affect the nation’s postal employees, President Cliff Guffey said on June 22. “We...

Breakfast for Champions

Supporting the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team is the latest endeavor for the APWU Human Relations Department. APWU locals and state organizations are being called upon to host a breakfast and rally our members to cheer for this remarkable...

OIG ‘Special Agents’ Don’t Have Special Rights

In a recent decision, the Employees Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB) ruled that the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) acted improperly when it terminated the benefits of an injured worker based on evidence that was impermissibly...

‘Driver Safety Instructor’ Challenged

The Postal Service last year revised the driving instructor examiner (DIE) position, changing it to Driver Safety Instructor. The new position, DSI, is nothing more than a modified DIE. After reviewing the changes, we met with the USPS and we were...
