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E.g., 02/04/2025
E.g., 02/04/2025

Part-Time Regular (PTR) Payout Update (February 2025)

February 3, 2025
Maintenance Director Idowu Balogun provides an update on the Maintenance PTR Settlement Payout as of February 2025.

How to Navigate to VER Plans, Optional Retirement Pages through USPS’s LiteBlue

February 3, 2025
Working in conjunction with Retirees Director Nancy Olumekor, the Industrial Relations Department has produced a presentation which provides step-by-step instructions on how active postal service employees with access to LiteBlue can navigate to the...

Dimondstein: ‘Postal Workers Earn the Right to Be Justly Compensated for Our Service and Hard Work’

February 17, 2016
On the opening day of arbitration for a new contract, APWU President Mark Dimondstein stated the union’s case in an impassioned presentation to the arbitration panel. The text is below.  “The interests of the 200,000 postal workers represented by...

Seattle Union Members Couldn’t Wait

February 17, 2016
Seattle APWU members wore their “Fighting for Justice” stickers at the Feb. 11 union meeting on Thursday February 11. “I am sure all the  employees will be wearing the stickers on the Opening Day, Feb. 17,” said local editor Sarab J. Singh. Click...

San Jose Celebrates Opening Day of Contract Arbitration with Gusto

February 17, 2016
The San Jose Area Local’s National Contract Action Team (CAT) celebrated the Opening Day of contract arbitration with an outpouring of solidarity. Members in units throughout the local wore their “Opening Day – Fighting for Justice” stickers proudly...

Last-Minute Preparations Underway for Contract Arbitration

February 15, 2016
With arbitration for a new contract set to begin on Wednesday, Feb. 17, the union’s negotiating team, attorneys, economists, workers and other experts are busy making last-minute preparations. “We’ve worked many long hours preparing to testify and...

Clerk Craft, Postal Service Settle Four Disputes

February 12, 2016
The Clerk Craft recently settled four disputes as part of a pre-arbitration review process that was agreed upon by APWU President Mark Dimondstein and the Postal Service, Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson has announced. Clerk Craft Assistant...
