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E.g., 02/01/2025
E.g., 02/01/2025

House Resolution 70: Protecting the People’s Post Office

January 30, 2025
Please call APWU’s Legislative Hotline at 1-844-402-1001 to be connected to your member of Congress today, and ask them to cosponsor H. Res. 70, which expressly opposes postal privatization. Defending the people’s public Postal Service from...

This is a 'Code Red Alert' to APWU Veterans

January 21, 2025
In the last Home Front article, we warned veterans about “Project 2025” and how a second Trump term would destroy the VA, and VA healthcare benefits. Unfortunately for our APWU veteran family, his Project 2025 plan to destroy VA healthcare could...

Quick-Thinking Clerks Save Customers from Scams

March 30, 2016
Thanks to vigilant clerks, two elderly customers were saved from mail-fraud scams in recent weeks.

The 500 Club: Stop Staples NYC Reaches Major Milestone

March 30, 2016
The New York City’s Stop Staples committee reached a major milestone on March 29: Activists passed out flyers at their 500th protest outside a Staples store and earned 500 “likes” on their Facebook page.  Activists demonstrate in front of Staples ...

Update on Payment of $56 Million Settlement

March 29, 2016
The Postal Service notified the APWU that management has almost completed the paperwork to correct payment amounts due to employees for the initial portion of a $56 million monetary settlement of grievances protesting managerial personnel performing...

United Students Against Sweatshops Joins Staples Fight

March 28, 2016
USAS members at their action in Boston. On the heels of their endorsement of the Stop Staples campaign in February, members of United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) held a day of action at Staples locations on March 24 to show their support for...

Make Preparations Now for National Convention

March 28, 2016
Locals, state organizations and members-at-large are urged to begin making plans now for the American Postal Workers Union’s 23rd Biennial Convention, which will take place Aug. 22-25, in Orlando, FL.  Fighting for Justice is the theme of this year’...
