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E.g., 09/27/2024
E.g., 09/27/2024

APWU Maintenance Division Secures $15 Million Part-Time Regular Settlement Agreement

September 23, 2024
In 2021, the APWU Maintenance Division filed a national dispute regarding the Postal Service's violation of Article 7 section 3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), specifically concerning the 2.5 percent cap on the total number of Part-...

NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE: APWU and USPS 'Stop The Clock' to Continue Bargaining

September 21, 2024
As the current contract was due to expire at midnight, September 20, 2024, APWU and USPS agreed to 'Stop The Clock' to continue bargaining for a new contract workers deserve.

e-Team Report, May 3, 2013

APWU encourages continued support for S. 316/ H.R. 630 Sign the ‘We The People’ petition for a White House response on saving the Postal Service Federal retirees targeted by high interest pension-‘advance’ lenders USPS Board of Governors holds open...

‘Closures’ Report Reveals Inconsistencies

Call it what you will, shuttering retail Postal Service facilities reduces public service, and the public has been watching. Late last year, the Congressional Research Service issued a report titled “Post Office and Retail Facility Closures:...

Rallying Community Support Is Key to Keeping Post Offices Open

Too far for walking, too crowded for waiting, and too congested for driving and parking.” The phrase has become almost a mantra in communities where the Postal Service is rushing to shut down retail units, and shunt consumers off to what might be...

Medicare Means Testing Would Harm Middle Class

Alliance for Retired Americans member and AFSCME retiree leader Charlie Hogan of Chicago joined Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky on a press call Thursday co-hosted by the Congresswoman, Social Security Works and the Medicare Rights Center. Mr. Hogan, a...

The Status of NRP

Recently a Postal Service official confirmed that as of December 2010 all reassessments were completed. As a result, the National Reassessment Process protocols are no longer being used. APWU was advised that official union notification has been...
