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E.g., 07/17/2024
E.g., 07/17/2024

Delegates' Work on Convention Business Continues

July 17, 2024
On Day 2 of APWU's 27th Biennial Conveniton, delegates continue work on convention business and rally for a good contract.

APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Begins; President Dimondstein Delivers State of the Union

July 16, 2024
APWU's 27th Biennial Convention Began on July 15; President Dimondstein Delivers his State of the Union Address.

e-Team Report, Sept. 30, 2011

Postal Unions Rally All Across the Country for H.R. 1351 McCain Introduces Version Of Issa’s Bill in the Senate Multiple U. S. Reps. Introduce Postal Legislation APWU President Guffey on MSNBC’s Ed Show and CSPAN H.R. 1351 Tops as Thomas’s Most...

Dispute Over PMRs with Dual Appointments as Casuals Working in Skilled Positions

A national-level grievance has been filed concerning the use of non-bargaining unit employees (PMRs) with a dual appointment as a casual being utilized in assignments requiring training and testing in violation of Article 7.1.B.3 of the National...

Award on Article 19 Appeal of Maintenance Management Order (MMO) 028-97

In a recent national award regarding APWU's Article 19 appeal of MMO-028-97, Arbitrator Das ruled that "[t]he union's appeal of MMO-028-97 on the grounds that it is not fair, reasonable, and equitable for purposes of Article 19 is denied."

Viet Nam Era Veterans and Agent Orange

Agent Orange was one of the weed-killing chemicals used by the U.S. military in the Vietnam War. It was sprayed to remove leaves from trees that enemy troops hid behind. Agent Orange and similar chemicals were known as “herbicides.” Agent Orange was...

A Risk in Going Part-Time

“What is the Part-Time Pro-ration Factor?” This continues to be the most-asked-about and talked-about subject in our retirement seminars.
