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E.g., 09/12/2024
E.g., 09/12/2024

President Mark Dimondstein Updates Members on APWU Contract Negotiations

September 10, 2024
Greetings APWU Family, With our main Collective Bargaining Agreement expiring on September 20th, I wanted to give you a status report.

An Update on the Social Security Fairness Act

September 6, 2024
Time is running out to get the Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) passed. We are asking every APWU member to call Monday, September 9th and demand our representatives sign the discharge petition (HR 1410).

Don’t Outsource Postal Services

(Op ed by APWU President Mark Dimondstein in the Albuquerque Journal)  As the United States Postal Service confronts a changing future, those of us who work for the agency agree with the goals stated in a recent Albuquerque Journal editorial. The...

Quality Home Care and Public Sector Unions at Risk in Supreme Court Case

In the coming weeks, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue a ruling in Harris v. Quinn, a case involving the payment of union dues by public-sector home health workers in Illinois. The decision could come as early as next week or as late as the end of...

Privatization Merits ‘Serious Consideration,’ Panel Says

The National Academy of Public Administration, an organization chartered by Congress to provide advice to government leaders, recently evaluated a proposal to privatize all postal operations except delivery and concluded the idea “merits serious...

Conditions Under Which Grievances are Held in Abeyance Pending a National Dispute

This settlement clarifies the procedures to be followed when one or the other party at the national level determines that a regional grievance is the same as, or similar to, a pending national dispute.

Cataracts: Who’s at Risk?

A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear crystalline lens inside the eye. Cataracts are usually associated with aging, but may also be a consequence of a disease such as diabetes, a side effect of medication, or the result of trauma.
