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E.g., 01/13/2025
E.g., 01/13/2025

The Mail is Not for Sale!

January 8, 2025
The fast and furious online reaction to The [Washington] Post’s Dec. 19 editorial underscores how strongly the people support and trust the U.S. Postal Service.

Clerk Division Fills Two Vacant NBA Positions

January 7, 2025
Recently, two National Business Agent (NBA) positions became vacant in the Clerk Division. Robert “Bob” Romanowski left his NBA job in the Philadelphia Region when he was promoted to the newly established Assistant Director “C”, Clerk Division...

Home Fire-Safety Planning

May 1, 2005
Joyce B. Robinson, Research & Education Department Director Fire drills are a fairly commonplace event at schools and at many workplaces.Not enough families think to practice fire safety around the house, however, and it may be time to do so....

Groundbreaking, Heartbreaking ‘Harvest of Shame’

April 30, 2005
Half a century ago, the plight of the nation’s migrant farm workers was brought home to millions of Americans, many of whom had just enjoyed their biggest meal of the year.

APWU Drivers Will Continue to Press for Private-Sector Contracts

April 18, 2005
Approximately 170 APWU truck drivers who work for Mail Contractors of America have concluded their nearly three-week strike, going back to work for MCA in Des Moines, Kansas City, KS, and Jacksonville, FL, but vowing to press on for fair contracts.

APWU Wins Private-Sector Organizing Drive

April 7, 2005
The APWU won a union representation election at a privately-run MTESC (Mail Transportation Equipment Service Center) in Cincinnati, Local President Tim Breen has announced. The vote, held April 6, was 65-54; 127 workers were eligible to vote.

Burrus Testimony: Bioterrorism Safeguards Remain Inadequate

April 6, 2005
A Government Accountability Office assessment of anthrax detection methods "underscores the lack of confidence" that many workers have in testing procedures at postal facilities, APWU President William Burrus said in testimony April 5 before a House...
