National Election Committee Amends Rules

March 26, 2007

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The APWU National Election Committee has amended a rule governing the 2007 election of officers that was published in the March/April issue of The American Postal Worker.

The rule, which originally prohibited automatic national convention delegates from becoming candidates for Director of the APWU Retirees Department and Regional Retiree National Convention Delegate, will now allow automatic delegates to run for Director of the APWU Retirees Department. Automatic national convention delegates will continue to be ineligible to run for Regional Retiree National Convention Delegate.

As amended, Section C, Part 4, Subsection (b), of the Rules and Regulations Governing 2007 APWU National Elections will stipulate that, “A member who is an automatic delegate to the National Convention because of his/her office as a National, State or Local officer is ineligible to be a candidate for Regional Retiree National Convention Delegate.”

In a March 23 letter announcing the amendment, the committee explained that beginning with the 2007 election, the Director of the APWU Retirees Department “is a National Officer position which carries different standards for qualifying than that of Regional Retiree National Convention Delegate.” 

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