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E.g., 03/09/2025
E.g., 03/09/2025

APWU Announces Day of Action to Defend the Public Postal Service

March 6, 2025
On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say "Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!"

NY TIMES: As Trump Eyes the Postal Service, Concerns Grow Over Its Independence

March 6, 2025
President Trump’s attempt to exert more control over the U.S. Postal Service has fueled concerns that those efforts could hurt the agency’s ability to reliably deliver mail to all corners of the country, a mandate that is core to its mission.

Support Crucial Postal Bills

August 9, 2010
The union is asking APWU members to give their U.S. representatives an important “welcome home” message during Congress’ August recess: Support H.R. 5746, a bill to restore financial stability to the Postal Service.

Department of Labor Files Motion To Consolidate USPS Electrical Safety Charges

August 6, 2010
The Department of Labor (DOL) is seeking to consolidate complaints regarding the Postal Service’s ongoing and systemic violations of safe electrical work practices, and has initiated settlement discussions with the Postal Service in an attempt to...

AFL-CIO Adopts Resolution To Save Saturday Mail Service

August 5, 2010
The AFL-CIO adopted a resolution written by the APWU in support of retaining six-day mail delivery at its Aug. 4 Executive Council meeting.

APWU Honors Soldier for Extraordinary Service

August 5, 2010
Kevin Imholte, son of Minneapolis Area Local activists Brenda and Vern Wellman, was presented with a silver medallion on behalf of the APWU for his extraordinary military service.

‘Ask a Working Woman’ Survey

August 5, 2010
Working women have important opinions about the economy, health care, balancing work and family responsibilities, and jobs — and union leaders want to hear them!
