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E.g., 03/10/2025
E.g., 03/10/2025

Postal Privatization Once Again Rearing Its Ugly Head!

March 10, 2025
APWU President Dimondstein provides answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding what it would mean if the Postal Service were to be privatized.

APWU Announces Day of Action to Defend the Public Postal Service

March 6, 2025
On March 20, postal workers and allies across the country will take to the streets to stand together and say "Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!"

USPS Medical Units Phase-Out Begins

January 12, 2010
In the first stage of a process that will affect approximately 130 APWU-represented nurses, most of the 51 Postal Service clinical-care medical units were set to shut down Jan. 11, with the rest scheduled for closure by March 9.

OSHA Standards

January 1, 2010
Safety standards published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require employers to provide appropriate electrical protective equipment to employees working in areas where there are potential electrical hazards, and dictate...

Black Women Advance Labor’s Cause In an Unlikely Setting: 1881 Atlanta

December 31, 2009
A little known yet largely successful job action waged in 1881 by black women in Atlanta is credited with helping to set the stage for a century of labor and civil rights struggles.

Clerk NBA Shirley McLennan

December 28, 2009
The APWU was sorry to learn that National Business Agent Shirley McLennan passed away on Dec. 24 after a long battle with cancer.
