New Benefits Secured for Postal Support Employees (PSEs)

July 26, 2018

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In the 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the APWU and the US Postal Service, the parties established a “Workforce Benefits, Employment Opportunities, Training and Education Fund.”  The purpose of the fund was to provide for the Postal Service’s share of health insurance benefits to PSEs and to provide additional resources for new PSE benefits.

The APWU filed a dispute over the Postal Service not using or mis-applying the money in the Fund.  The dispute was heard in arbitration on November 15, 2017.  Prior to receiving the Arbitrator’s ruling, APWU President Mark Dimondstein and USPS Vice-President of Labor Relations Doug Tulino settled the APWU’s dispute with an agreement securing benefits for PSEs.

The  five improved  benefits that will be part of the PSE compensation package are:

A Postal Service contribution of 65% in the first year of employment and 75% thereafter to the insurance premium for family or self-plus one for PSEs enrolled in the USPS Non-career Health Care Plan. Previously the USPS only contributed to only single coverage.

Full uniform allowance for retail clerk PSEs who meet the ELM criteria for eligibility.

Overtime pay after eight hours a day or after forty hours in a week.  Previously overtime was only paid after 40 hours of work.

Penalty double time pay for work over 10 hours a day, or 56 hours in a service week, same as negotiated overtime benefits for PTFs. Previously there was no penalty pay.

Four-hour work guarantee if called and reporting to work in 200 work year offices. Previously PSEs were guaranteed only two hours.

“This was a hard-fought case involving many hands at the national level including Industrial Relations Director Vance Zimmerman, staff and attorneys which led to these important advances. The results underscore that it pays to be union,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “These not only improve the lives of non-career workers but secure important union principles that protect the entire workforce.”

The Postal Service is implementing these new benefits within 120 days from when the settlement was signed.  By October 11, 2018, these benefits must be in effect.

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